The Assam Chief minister have announced to collaborate with the Akshaya Patra Foundation for the construction of nine centralized kitchens.
CM Sarma has also praised the worked done by the Akshaya Patra Foundation.
The state government has also declare that, financial assistance will lend by the government to a similar kitchen coming up under the Foundation in Majuli, Sarma said.
In addidtion to that Sarma said the state government will give Rs 14 crore to the Foundation for the construction of a kitchen in Majuli.
At an event Sarma said, to help the students of Assam to perform better in the medical and engineering entrance tests, it has been decided to use English as the medium of instruction to teach Mathematics and Science from class 3 in all government schools. Subject such as Social Studies will be taught separately as Geography and History for a more detailed understanding of the topics, steps will also be taken to introduce English as the medium of instruction along with the existing Assamese and vernacular languages in government schools Around 10 lakh students across the state will be brought under the nutritious mid-day meal service of the Foundation in the near future, CM sarma said addressing at an Inaugurating event of Akshaya Patra Foundation’s 65th centralised kitchen in the state on Friday.