Whether it’s a trip or a picnic or any educational tour waterfalls are always favourite for all.
Well about waterfalls in northeast we can certainly say we have plenty on the list to plan a trip. But when it comes to Assam, we must say that Assam is blessed to have rivers that outpours into a mesmerizing display of water as they flow over the breathtaking landscape. And now its time to name a few widely known spots for waterfalls.
In Assam we have Akashiganga Waterfalls, Sivakunda Waterfalls, Champawati Kunda ,Kakochang Waterfalls, Kaphendonga Waterfalls, Srikona Waterfalls, Bheloghat Waterfalls & Soloka Dare Waterfalls .
The Soloka Dare waterfall is popularly known as Baregaon waterfall due to its close proximity to the Baregaon village which lies in the Assam – Meghalaya border. It is about 10 kms from Chandubi lake and has a motorable road upto 500 mtrs to the fall.
So if you are thinking to take a day off or plan a summer trip this weekend then this place is a must visit . Also make sure to pack your favourite food to have a remarkable meal by the side of the waterfall.
Discover the mesmerizing beauty of Soloka Dare Waterfall, popularly known as the Baregaon waterfall. Lying in the undulating arrays of picturesque Assam–Meghalaya border, Soloka Dare Waterfall is a paradise for nature lovers, picnickers and aquaphiles.
— Assam Tourism (@assamtourism_) August 30, 2022