Who doesn’t love a buffet ? Everybody enjoys a table widespread with variety dishes and delicacies to keep you full and satisfy your cravings for a whole day.
January 2 is observed as National Buffet Day. It’s a day about hosting or attending a buffet . A good buffet enables to have a perfect meal with different choices . It’s a day for the people who cannot decide what to eat but still loves and enjoy .
A buffet system serves several food variety in one location. People can easily come and choose to serve themselves . It’s a common system where a large group of individuals can feed themselves with the help of buffet system . Generally hotels and restaurants, marriage or any other parties offer buffets as a convenient option to feed their customers .
The self-serve meal buffet is named after a piece of furniture, bufet (“sideboard”), on which such a meal might be served. The word ‘buffet’’ actually originates from a type of French sideboard used to serve food.
The buffet table was derived from the Brannvinsbord, a type of 16th Century Swedish beverage table. It is said that in this buffet system men and women ate in separate rooms with the same menu.
In the 18th century, the modern buffet first appeared as a smorgasbord in the 18th century. Initially the smorgasbord was a table used to serve pre-dinner drinks and snacks to a group of guests separately from the main meal for dinner, but with time people started to use it to serve the main meal too.
Later the smorgasbord was used by the Swedish in 1939, at the New York World’s Fair exhibition to display a feast of Swedish food to to a large number of people attending the fair that year. During the second half of the 20th century, after the smorgasbord became popular in New , the word buffet was coined probably because it was considerably easier to pronounce and remember.
The American buffet began in Las Vegas in the 1940s. The Buckaroo Buffet was designed by Herb McDonald allowing visitors to choose their own food from a wide range of food. Basically it was a tactic to keep people inside casinos for longer. The concept of buffet was widely spread across the country and TV advertisements for buffets were common in the 1980s.
At the beginning of New Year , people can treat their dear ones with a feast widely spread . On this day you can think about hosting a buffet party and invite your loved ones to have a good time together .