Assam recently started the Apke Dewar Ayushman Campaign for beneficiaries of the people. The campaign is underway in all district of Assam.
The main goal of the campaign is to create large scale awreness about Ayushman Bharat Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana health insurance scheme among all beneficiaries residing in all parts of the country.
The Ayushman Bharat scheme was lunched by Ministry of Health and family wealfare in 2018. Which include two components such as Health and Wellness centre and Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna.
The National Health Authority has organized the campaign ‘Aap ke Dewar Ayushman’. The NHA has set an implement PM_JAY,which is popularly known at the national level. It head is the Chief Executive officer (CEO) who manage all the affairs.
National Health Mission will also help to make information digitalized.
According to the report, under Ayushman Bharat Scheme, Health and wellness centre will open 1.5 lakh basic health care centre to take care of health needs like fever, diabetes, dental etc.
PM-JAY will covers about 10 crore poor families and also will provide caseless treatment in government hospital or empanelled private hospital and will also cover insurance of 5 lakhs per family per year.
Dr. Ram Sewak Sharma, CEO, Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) said, “The aim of Aap Ke Dwar Ayushman’ awareness campaign is to verify eligible beneficiaries residing in the remotest areas across the country.“Since its launch, Aap Ke Dwar Ayushman’s drive has registered at least 54,05,214 Aysushman cards so far.